Saturday, April 18, 2009

Study for Further Development 2005

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1 comment:

Sarah said...

Can you also join the conversation on Seitu's group blog? For one thing, I want others to find your art blog too--it's so amazing and inspiring! I especially love the clay lunch sacks and the whole overarching theme of nurturing the internal mother, which your food and cooking works also address. That is: your beautiful photos and obviously, loving cooking and also the paintings that feature comfort food reminiscing.
Whereas, these breast and claw paintings show the other side of the comfort-mother. I am wrestling with that now as a mother. I worry that my son will only fixate, as he does now, on my mistakes and not that I gave my life in exchange for his happy childhood. Well, my life is not perfect.
But, Kristine, your constant reflection and art-making puts me to shame. It was your work that inspired me to "live more artfully" last semester, but my inspiration is not always followed by a sustained effort. --Sarah